Commercial Energy Consulting

All business owners in deregulated states are looking for ways to save money or prevent the inevitable increases in utility prices. With constant demand for better pricing and longer fixed rates we find this part of organization to be the strongest. It takes a significant level of professionalism to talk to decision maker at a good sized Commercial Accounts. An Energy Supplier needs to employ an experienced and motivated Energy Consulting Firm to reel in the big Accounts. It is a different type of sales that requires finesse and careful negotiation. Second class telemarketing is ineffective and results in a high cancellation rate and poor performance for your campaign. Allow our experience to provide you with a variety of major metropolitan, agricultural, or small to medium sized Commercial Accounts. Our organization is scalable and able to take advantage of market fluctuations and windows of opportunity in any market. We currently provide campaigns in Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, California, Michigan and Texas.